___  ___ _ ____  _| | ____ _             
 / __|/ _ \ '__\ \/ / |/ / _` |            
 \__ \  __/ |   >  <|   < (_| |            
 |___/\___|_|  /_/\_\_|\_\__,_| or mulberry

hello, welcome to my home page

i am mulberry (she/her), i go by the online handle serxka

my interests are computer science, cybersecurity, video games, robotics, and linguistics along with various other small topics at any given time. i lack skill in any of these fields, but still have many little bits of useless knowledge, but that doesn't matter, learning is the fun bit.


social profiles

Confused Cat I Use Linux stay cute! Shower Transgirls are valid I Pee in the Shower I Love Catgirls Kill la Kill Breakcore Whore <3333 I never finish anything Rem and Ram Todd Howard Shotgun Teletubbie Gameboy Spinning Have A Nice Day Moss Keyboard

please send me more stamps!
